Source code for pyqldb.communication.session_client

# Copyright 2019, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. A copy of the License is located at
# or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
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from logging import getLogger

from amazon.ion.simple_types import IonPyBool, IonPyBytes, IonPyDecimal, IonPyDict, IonPyFloat, IonPyInt, IonPyList, \
    IonPyNull, IonPySymbol, IonPyText, IonPyTimestamp
from amazon.ion.simpleion import dumps
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError

logger = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SessionClient: """ A class representing an independent session to a QLDB ledger that handles endpoint requests. This class is used in :py:class:`pyqldb.driver.base_qldb_driver.BaseQldbDriver` and :py:class:`pyqldb.session.qldb_session.QldbSession`. This class is not meant to be used directly by developers. :type ledger_name: str :param ledger_name: The QLDB ledger name. :type token: str :param token: The initial session token representing the session connection. :type client: :py:class:`botocore.client.BaseClient` :param: The low level service client. :type session_id: str :param: The session ID. """ def __init__(self, ledger_name, token, client, session_id): self._ledger_name = ledger_name self._token = token self._client = client self._session_id = session_id def __enter__(self): """ Context Manager function to support the 'with' statement. """ return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """ Context Manager function to support the 'with' statement. """ self.close() @property def client(self): """ The **read-only** low level service client. """ return self._client @property def id(self): """ The **read-only** ID of this session. """ return self._session_id @property def ledger_name(self): """ The **read-only** ledger name. """ return self._ledger_name @property def token(self): """ The **read-only** token. """ return self._token
[docs] def abort_transaction(self): """ Send request to abort the currently active transaction. :rtype: dict :return: The abort transaction result response from the endpoint. """ request = {'SessionToken': self.token, 'AbortTransaction': {}} result = self._send_command(request) abort_transaction_output = result.get('AbortTransaction') return abort_transaction_output
[docs] def close(self): """ Close this session. """ try: self.end_session() except ClientError as ce: # We will only log issues closing the session, as QLDB will clean them after a timeout. logger.warning('Errors closing session: {}'.format(ce))
[docs] def commit_transaction(self, transaction_id, commit_digest): """ Send request to commit the currently active transaction. :type transaction_id: str :param transaction_id: The ID of the transaction. :type commit_digest: str :param commit_digest: The digest hash of the transaction to commit. :rtype: dict :return: The commit transaction result response from the endpoint. """ request = {'SessionToken': self.token, 'CommitTransaction': {'TransactionId': transaction_id, 'CommitDigest': commit_digest}} result = self._send_command(request) commit_transaction_output = result.get('CommitTransaction') return commit_transaction_output
[docs] def end_session(self): """ Send request to end the independent session represented by the instance of this class. :rtype: dict :return: The end session result response from the endpoint. """ request = {'SessionToken': self.token, 'EndSession': {}} result = self._send_command(request) end_session_output = result.get('EndSession') return end_session_output
[docs] def execute_statement(self, transaction_id, statement, parameters): """ Send an execute request with parameters to QLDB. :type transaction_id: str :param transaction_id: The ID of the transaction. :type statement: str :param statement: The statement to execute. :type parameters: list :param parameters: List of Ion values to fill in parameters of the statement. :rtype: dict :return: The statement result response from the endpoint. """ parameters = list(map(self._to_value_holder, parameters)) request = {'SessionToken': self.token, 'ExecuteStatement': {'TransactionId': transaction_id, 'Statement': statement, 'Parameters': parameters}} result = self._send_command(request) statement_result = result.get('ExecuteStatement') return statement_result
[docs] def fetch_page(self, transaction_id, next_page_token): """ Send fetch result request to QLDB, retrieving the next chunk of data for the result. :type transaction_id: str :param transaction_id: The ID of the transaction. :type next_page_token: str :param next_page_token: The next page token. :rtype: dict :return: The fetch result response from the endpoint. """ request = {'SessionToken': self.token, 'FetchPage': {'TransactionId': transaction_id, 'NextPageToken': next_page_token}} result = self._send_command(request) statement_result = result.get('FetchPage') return statement_result
[docs] def start_transaction(self): """ Send request to start a transaction. :rtype: dict :return: The start transaction response. """ request = {'SessionToken': self.token, 'StartTransaction': {}} result = self._send_command(request) return result.get('StartTransaction')
def _send_command(self, request): """ Call send_command method of the low level client. """ logger.debug('Sending request: {}'.format(request)) result = self._client.send_command(**request) logger.debug('Received response: {}'.format(result)) return result
[docs] @staticmethod def start_session(ledger_name, client): """ Factory method for constructing a new :py:class:`pyqldb.communication.session_client.SessionClient`, creating a new session to QLDB on construction. :type ledger_name: str :param ledger_name: The ledger name to create session. :type client: :py:class:`botocore.client.BaseClient` :param client: The low level service client. :rtype: :py:class:`pyqldb.communication.session_client.SessionClient` :return: A new SessionClient object. """ logger.debug('Initiating new session.') result = client.send_command(StartSession={'LedgerName': ledger_name}) token = result.get('StartSession').get('SessionToken') session_id = result.get('ResponseMetadata').get('HTTPHeaders').get('x-amzn-requestid') return SessionClient(ledger_name, token, client, session_id)
@staticmethod def _to_value_holder(parameter): """ Convert Python or Ion value to binary, and store in a value holder. """ parameter_binary = dumps(parameter) value_holder = {'IonBinary': parameter_binary} return value_holder